Sunday evening saw the Creative Church, always a highlight of our visit to the Crescendo Summer Institute. The service opened with the performance of the last movement of the Mendelssohn String Octet, followed by selections from Beethoven and Brahms. Then Rt. Rev. Rob Gillion preached a riveting sermon. The service ended with a lovely Communion and Prayer Walk. It was moving event. (My pics were not so good. My neighbor took several excellent snaps, and here is a link to her post.) https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0fcsm5q2NDbed2wvqHwM8qhLWP5TjNPXHKhzEKUHjZhMJdTvNX6VAnEjUTgApFuHQl&id=1405475641